Sunday, November 13, 2016

Hair Dye Test Saves Teen from Lethal Allergic Reaction

The recent story of a 16-year-old’s brush with death has created a major stir after going viral across multiple news platforms. The girl, Sophie Warren, hopes that sharing her traumatic experience may help prevent others from suffering a similar fate. Sophie had recently changed her hair color using a home dye kit, but was unsatisfied with the results. She visited a local salon, Hairport, expecting a straightforward color correction appointment. The veteran stylist placed a small dab of the hair dye behind the girls’ ears to test for allergies, a standard practice which proved profoundly beneficial.

After the product is applied, the salon requires a 48-hour waiting period to ensure an allergic reaction does not occur. Despite having used similar products before, Sophie had a severe reaction to the hair dye; she began to notice allergic symptoms during her commute home. Within the hour, her ears were considerably swollen and weeping. Her neck also began to swell up.

Despite these dramatic side effects, Sophie expected the reaction to subside naturally. Forty-eight hours later, she returned to the salon to have the hair procedure performed. Sophie’s stylist noted the allergic reaction and urged her to go to the hospital for treatment. There, her doctor treated her with antibiotics, which helped reduce the swelling. However, her reaction continued to worsen. Sophie’s skin was covered in a rash and an infection spread from her ear throughout her body. She was able to recover from her severe reaction, but will never be able to use hair dye again.

Fortunately for Sophie, her haircare professionals tested for her reaction prior to applying the product to her hair. Her doctors warned that, had Sophie not been tested prior to getting her hair dyed, she may have died. Allergies can develop unexpectedly throughout our lifetime. Like Sophie, many individuals may not realize they have allergies. In order to prevent a serious allergic reaction from affecting you, visit a local San Diego ENT office. Here, your allergist will perform an allergy test to determine if you might have a hazardous reaction. Existing allergies can be managed and even cured through personalized treatments. To learn more about allergies, we welcome you to call our staff at (858) 909-0770!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Slight Drop in ENT Productivity with Implementation of EMR

Technology is often viewed as a means to increase efficiency. In our modern society, there seems to be a form of technology to assist with all of our needs. Even ordering household essentials can be accomplished by pressing a button. This also applies to the work environment, where new systems and devices are implemented to help streamline processes. But, does technology always make us more efficient? The simple answer is, of course, no. A recent study showed this to be true for a number of otolaryngologists, whose productivity declined after the implementation of a new electronic system.

The system used is an electronic medical record, or EMR. An EMR contains all of a practice’s medical and clinical data. This system is thought to increase productivity by centralizing information and eliminating the need for paper charts. However, the study conducted followed five different otolaryngologists for two years—one year prior to implementation and one year following. Productivity was measured using “mean work relative value units (wRVUs)” and the average number of clinic visits. Data compiled during these two years showed each otolaryngologist experienced a slight decline in productivity.

Despite this decline, the use of an EMR system still provides many benefits to practices. EMRs allow practices to track data and progress over time, easily identify patients due for preventive or follow-up appointments, and centralize all of the practice’s data. Ear, nose and throat doctors benefit from these systems, as they can typically sort their patients by allergy, hearing, sinus, etc. An EMR is also used by ear, nose and throat clinics during the process of diagnostics and treatment.

So, while there was a noted decline in the efficiency after an EMR implementation, these systems are still very useful in a healthcare setting. Additionally, efficiency could increase after prolonged use of the system, as practitioners familiarize themselves with the new processes. If you are in need of treatment for a condition affecting the head or neck, we can help! Our staff is equipped with some of San Diego’s finest ear, nose and throat doctors. To schedule a consultation, call us today at (858) 909-0770.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Tips for Managing Allergies in School

When a child suffers from allergies, it can cast a fog over their day to day activities. This is true in academia as well, since they are likely to forgo certain activities or miss school due to allergy-related symptoms. As parents are unable to monitor their child’s exposure to irritants, they may also face additional stress when sending their children to school. By understanding the nature of your child’s allergies and working with the school’s staff, you can ensure your child’s allergies are handled properly. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for the school year:

1.      Get your child tested. In order to effectively address the needs of your child, you’ll first need to understand the nature of their allergy symptoms. An allergy test administered by one of San Diego’s ear, nose and throat doctors (ENT) will identify any existing allergies.
2.      Do your research. Once you’ve identified the source of your child’s allergies, you can prepare for situations where allergies may negatively impact your child.
3.      Talk with your health provider. Work with your ENT specialist to come up with a plan for managing your child’s allergies. Let them know of any circumstances where your child might be at risk of exposure.
4.      Speak with the school staff. Ask the administration what accommodations are available to children with allergies. Also familiarize yourself with the school nurse and other key staff members. Educate these individuals about your child’s allergies, and introduce them to your child. That way, he or she will know who they can come to in case they have a reaction.
5.      Prepare for an emergency. Equip your child’s classroom with the plan created by your allergist. Have your child’s teacher keep a written set of instructions, emergency contact information and any necessary medications on hand. That way, a severe reaction can be effectively managed.
6.      Discuss treatment options. Your ENT specialist will be able to provide personalized treatment options for your child. Treatments may include medications, exposure avoidance or immunotherapy.

Children with allergies can experience additional barriers in a school environment; however, you don’t need to face this on your own. By reaching out to an allergy expert and the school staff, you can ensure there is a support system for both you and your child. For help treating allergies, we welcome you to speak with our team at (858) 909-0770!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

5 Interesting Facts About Hearing Aids

For many individuals, thinking about hearing aids typically conjures an image of the bulky behind-the-ear model their grandfather wore. These older devices are now a relic of the past, replaced by sleek new digital hearing aids. Devices are now smaller and more powerful than ever. The following list highlights some of the enhancements that have been made in recent years, as well as other surprising facts you may not know.

1.      Wearing hearing aids can be beneficial to your mental health. The use of hearing aids can help prevent cognitive decline. When left untreated, hearing loss can lead to depression, withdrawal and anxiety.
2.      Devices can go unseen. Some manufacturers have created implantable listening devices. These hearing aids are inserted into your ear canal, making them completely invisible! Even the more traditional styles have become nearly impossible to see.
3.      Water might not damage your devices. The hearing aid industry has developed waterproof and water resistant models to accommodate those who enjoy water-based activities. Accessories like dehumidifiers and hearing aid dryers are also helpful, as they can remove unwanted moisture from your devices and increase their lifespan.
4.      Bluetooth technology makes your hearing aid compatible. Most of the advanced hearing devices are now able to use Bluetooth to sync with your cell phones, music players and other external devices. This makes activities like speaking on the phone or listening to music easier than ever before.
5.      Devices can adapt to your surroundings. The days of over-amplified background noise are in the past. Multidirectional microphones are able to detect important sounds, such as voices. Additionally, you can program multiple settings to accommodate different environments.

Hearing aids are more advanced now than ever before. With so many options available, those suffering from a hearing impairment are able to find hearing aids suited to their specific needs. To learn more about the latest technology, treatments or hearing aid prices, schedule a consultation with your local Carlsbad audiologist or contact our office at (858) 909-0770.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Seasonal Allergies May Interfere with Education

As the summer comes to a close, many of us are readying ourselves for another academic year. Whether you’re a parent getting your kids ready or attending school yourself, you want to feel prepared. There are so many factors to consider before starting a new schoolyear, but have you thought about how you might be affected by seasonal allergies?

Seasonal allergies affect as many as 40% of youth in the United States. Though the height of San Diego’s allergy season is the spring, seasonal allergies can effect individuals differently throughout the year. This is especially true for those who are being introduced to a new environment for the first time.

Allergies occur when an allergen such as pollens, dust mite, molds, or danders are recognized as a threat. Though these substances are typically harmless, the immune system initiates a hypersensitive response in an attempt to eliminate the allergen from your system. This manifests in the following symptoms:

  • Sneezing
  • Running nose/post-nasal drip
  • Wheezing
  • Coughing
  • Irritation of the skin, eyes, nose, lungs, throat or sinuses
  • Watery eyes

Everyday, approximately 10,000 US students stay home from school due to these symptoms. These symptoms may occur at anytime of the year, and students may have a higher risk of exposure to news allergens. This is especially relevant if students attend field trips or have recently relocated to the area. If this is true for yourself or a loved one, you would likely benefit from allergy testing. Allergy testing can be completed at the office of your local ear, nose and throat doctor. There, an ENT specialist will administer either a skin prick test or blood test in order to determine your reaction to various allergens.

If an allergic reaction is detected, your doctor will assist you in managing or eliminating your symptoms. Located in San Diego, our clinic utilizes the latest advancements in the industry to develop a personalized treatment plan. Allergy treatments include medication, non-pharmacologic therapy and immunotherapy.

When left untreated, allergies can create a fog over your daily activities and place additional strain on academic endeavors. By taking charge of seasonal allergies, you can ensure these symptoms don’t interfere with school performance. To learn more about seasonal allergies, we welcome you to contact us at (858) 909-0770. 

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Visit Your ENT Specialist for Broken Nose Diagnosis

Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!

Man, sometimes life in San Diego just isn’t fair. Sometimes your older sister gets all the attention, especially from boys. But don’t worry, Marcia will get her comeuppance. You just have to wait for your brother Peter to throw the football.


There goes Marcia’s nose!

This may have been TV magic, but it was a pretty accurate portrayal of how easy it is to break your nose. A break or crack in a bone in your nose, usually the bone over the bridge of your nose, can occur anytime the nose is struck. Contact sports, car accidents, falls or impact from a door or wall are the most common causes of a broken nose.

It is important to visit your San Diego ear, nose and throat physician if you think you may have a broken nose. If nothing is done the nose could heal crooked, making breathing difficult and possibly requiring surgery in the future. 

Your ENT specialist will examine your nose in order to make a diagnosis. An injection or nasal spray will be administered to ease any discomfort you may be feeling. A nasal speculum will be used to open your nostrils and a special instrument is used to realign your broken bones and cartilage.

Packing will be placed in your nose and dressing will be attached to the outside. Surgery is typically only needed if the break is severe or if there are multiple broken bones in the nose.

Your ENT specialist should be contacted if you experience a broken nose.